Friday, February 15, 2013


Well it had to happen, statistics would strongly suggest that some unsavoury character (s) is quite likely to pop into your home, hopefully unbeknown to you, rifle through your drawers and leave you with the headache of a clean up and worse, dealing with the insurance company.

When we had our visit, only last weekend, I didn't actually notice that we'd had uninvited guests. In fact, due to living at the lower end of the tidy-scale, I assumed the boys had been errant in their put-away ways. But alas, that was not the case.

The empty duvet cover was straddling the day bed, and windows ever so slightly ajar, with lids of jewellery boxes a little askew.Slightly odd but not alarming.

Arrival of the boys confirmed that they were not the culprits.

Open the sash window in the sitting room, past the Oleander (poisonous - apparently killed a couple of Gengis Khan's elephants - another one though, story and oleander) and out went Harry's laptop and an asortment of jewels and other bits and bobs. Some were left in a Hansel and Gretel like trail up the garden path before leaving by the open gate. 

Unfortunately, sentimentality is far more valuable than the preciously clawed stones. And the computer had a memory card embedded in it, that was the total of Harry's photographic efforts on our great big adventure.

So here I sit, grateful. Grateful we were not home. Grateful our burglars didn't trash the place. Could've been worse, modern day mantra.

But with the trinkets and stones, also went that very fragile and transient albeit precious peace-of-mind. No amount of finger-printing or insurance balm can magic that back.


  1. So sorry to hear about the robbery. I've been robbed a total of three times in all my life, only once since I've had my children. It truly sucks and I understand well the feeling that my peace of mind was violated.

    On another note, I am Read-O-Thon who left a review of your book about the mistakes.

    I can offer you my help to edit your book, free, just because I think the story merits to be read without a hitch. Just the typos and grammar, without changing a word. I can make a list of them and send them to you, or you can send me a copy of your manuscript in Word form and I'll correct it and return it to you, no risk.

    Let me know!


    Josee De Angelis
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

  2. Josee, many thanks! I've just left a message on the review site. I know burglaries are upsetting, but luckily we weren't at home (although the cat was!). Goodness, so it happens everywhere! We live in Auckland New Zealand. Look forward to hearing from you.
