Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pt Chev Team's great big adventure!

I'm not sure the exact day, the day that it was decided that instead of talking about taking the big trip with the boys; actually booking it. It's all of course thanks to a combination of happy couplings and stark realities. Time is not always a given, nor is health. The Pt Chev Team was in fine fettle, but others' bad news made me think.

So thanks to a golden bank and a sterling will (only becuase I thought it needed a bit of plating), tickets were booked and dreams dusted and polished.

In 2004, the year we became three, I wrote down in a long-forgotten notebook, some things that we would do within 10 years. One was to visit a very good friend, who lives in New York. The other things were things that needed to be done, and were written with a number of other lists that you think you should write when your world has turned purple and is gasping for air. Lists help to make a bit of sense when sense has donned its cloak of  invisibility and danced a merry dance off into the night.

So we were going, not just talking about it. The Pt Chev Team were going to climb into metal tubes (well a few really, as we do live on the bottom's bottom of a rotund globe) navigate the globe.  Except I wasn't navigating, I'm not sure if pilots need to flip their maps to see if they're going in the right direction, I sort of hope not.

As a grown-up, it was up to me to plan, and organise, and book and dive into the cyber sea to let it throw up all sorts of earthly delights.

I can see why folk get wedding planners.

Luckily, there was a grown-up in the travelling mix of three, and low and behold it wasn't me.

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