Sunday, June 17, 2012

Apostrophe faces catastrophe!

Yeah… yeah… there are more important things to worry about… poverty, war, depravity. How can one person possibly change the world when it’s been trodden on by so many millions of feet, pooped on by so many birds?

So why not help something you can get a handle on? Something you can help one stroke at a time. It might not be a whale or yellow eyed penguin, but it is abused and misused … and let’s face it, needs our help.

First you need to find one. Apostrophes can be found loitering in sentences and words and billboards and in newspapers and on fruit shop sign's. Sometimes theyre' nestled gently between two compromised words, holding them together, making perfect sense in an imperfect world.

Before I venture to seek and find this grammatical trophy, its' time to have a little look around to see what I can find …

Please send through any mistreated, abused or missing apostrophes. Its up to us, think of how many syllables the apostrophe has saved us, how much time we have been spared?

Next, the vowels, the misappropriation and so many missing in action ... it's up to us, one key stroke or pedantic rant at a time. 

1 comment:

  1. - Thanks Judith!
